Tom Shantz offers business coaching from the spiritual perspective.  Whether you are a business owner, employee, or entrepreneur, he can help you.  Build your business moving from inspired ideas, in the right timing, and fully utilize your inner guidance.

 As you discover your soul’s true service, Tom can assist you to organize your business structure, priorities, communications, tools, products and services for greater effectiveness.  Performance at the job improves with less stress. You avoid pitfalls. You are fulfilled by your efforts. You operate more fully in your niche.

What is your soul’s true service; your spiritual thrust; your niche?  Find out through a personalized program of one on one sessions, profiles, and regroupings with Tom.  They will equip you to transform your business experience.  He has the track record, attitude, and acumen to relate to your challenges.


Reach out to Tom to book a quick discovery call to see if this fits for you.

Tom’s mentoring combines spiritual reality with down-to-earth business experience, knowledge and wisdom. His understanding of the practical aspects of spirituality as related to one’s business life is a rare commodity. He has over 30 + years of business experience with small businesses, start-ups, corporates, and government. In every opportunity Tom has  applied his spiritual tools and techniques.  

Tom’s credentials include a B. Sc. degree in Electrical Engineering along with certification as a Spiritual Educator by the Wayshowers College.